
We are so glad you have decided to learn more about Ridglea. We hope that you feel the love and welcome which we base all of our ministries around. On this page you will find some of your basic information about Sunday morning programs.  

We hope to see you soon! 

Sunday Worship

We gather for worship at 11:00 am each Sunday in our Sanctuary, and the service is livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. Central in the worship service is the sacrament of the Lord's Supper (also known as Communion or the Eucharist) which is offered each week to anyone who would like to participate.

A typical service includes several congregational hymns (accompanied by pipe organ or piano), a time to lift up joys and concerns of our community in prayer, a time of offering to share our gifts with the church, scripture reading, and a sermon which takes a passage of scripture from the Bible and interprets its meaning for our lives.

At the end of each service there is an invitation for anyone who wishes to join in formal membership to come up front and do so. While we are happy for all to join in membership, you are still welcome to come and participate in almost every capacity of church life without officially making that commitment. 

Sunday morning for Kids

We provide child care for children age 5 and younger in our nursery beginning at 10:15 am. Our nursery attendants will be there to greet you, sign in your child, & ask for any special instructions they might need to provide your child with the best care possible. The nursery program includes an interactive Bible lesson designed for preschoolers and a snack.

We believe that children are an important part of our congregational worship service. We are committed to helping families worship in a variety of ways including: 

  • When you first walk into the sanctuary you can pick up a red Children's Worship Bag for your child which includes age-appropriate activities and materials for children to engage with throughout the service. 
  • At the front of the Sanctuary you will see a Children's "Pray"Ground area on the left where there are art activities and books for kids to use during the service. They are welcome to use them up front or to bring the books back to their seat. 
  • Each service there is a time where children are specifically invited up front to hear a message made just for them, which often ties into our themes in the service that day. 
  • After that message, children 4th grade and younger can go to Worship & Wonder, a program that teaches rituals and worship traditions of the church with a different Bible lesson each week. At the closing hymn of worship, the children return to the Sanctuary to meet back up with parents and adult caregivers.

Sunday morning faith formation for adults

The Open Door Class typically meets every Sunday at 10:00 am to share life together and discuss a scripture lesson. They follow a workbook that covers a different theme each season, and extras are always available for newcomers.

During Lent (February 18 - March 24) we will have a small group study on "A Covenant Conversation for Disciples" each Sunday morning at 9:30 am. Click here to learn more about the topic for this study.

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